Our book which is recognising and celebrating 100 years of Queenscliff SLSC, 1924-2023 is approximately 85,000 words, 1,000 photos and over 400 pages with a report on each decade, covering general activities, social, lifesaving, competition, three clubhouses, and the people that made it happen.
The book launch is Friday, 1st December 2023 when the books will be available to purchase and collect.
The book launch is Friday, 1st December 2023 when the books will be available to be collected.
Pre-purchase now for $75 incl GST, with EFTPOS payment at the AGM or the office during working hours. All purchases need to have this order form completed.
The standard book is soft cover. There will be 10 special hard cover books made that will be auctioned. Five will be auctioned at the book launch on 1st December and the remaining five will be auctioned at the All Ages Club Fiesta Party on 14th January 2024 (the last day before the club turns 101 years old). We will be holding 50 standard copies for the 14th January to be sold after the auction, so if you made a bid and miss out on a hard cover, we will have a soft cover available for you to purchase.