Welcome to Queensie Nippers!
Registrations NOW OPEN for 2024/2025.
Please read through our website for information on Nippers and we would love to welcome you next season. Registrations open Sep 2024.
FIRST NIPPERS SESSION – Sun 20th October, 2024.
One session for all Age Groups – U6 – U14
8.45am – 10.30am
Nippers is an amazing sport for kids of all abilities. Queensie Nippers learn from day one how to be safe and confident in the surf and work as part of a team. Sunday sessions are the backbone of the season and we have brilliant coaches running board training and beach running sessions through the week and before nippers on a Sunday. We also have March Past and Rescue and Resuscitation teams.
Please read through our NIPPER HANDBOOK for all information regarding Nippers and registration.

Your Club
Being a member of Queensie means being a member of a 100 year old family.
There is a BBQ every Sunday after nippers and the bar is open Sunday afternoon for drinks.
The first Friday of every month is a club social, everyone is welcome!
We have events throughout the year.
Everyone is welcome upstairs at the club, come in and say hello!
Nipper Information
To join Queensie Nippers you must have turned 5 before 30 September of the year that they are eligible to join Nippers. Children are registered in the age group according to the age of the child on 30 September. For example, if your child is 11 on 30 September, the child will be in the Under 12s.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate age group movements.
Queensie is a family club and is run by a large and dedicated team of volunteers. We need your help to make sure Nippers runs smoothly and our kids can compete in carnivals. There are a large number of opportunities for volunteering. These include:
- Helping out on Sunday sessions (beach set up/pack up; uniform shop; BBQ duty)
- Officiating at carnivals (please contact nippers@queenscliffslsc.org.au if you want to volunteer as this requires training)
- Water safety (Bronze Medallion required)
- Patrol – patrolling members are the backbone of the club. We run regular Bronze training sessions. Contact education@queenscliffslsc.org.au if you are interested!
All nippers parents are required to complete a minimum number of volunteering hours in a season or you will need to pay a levy on your membership. Signing up is easy via ‘volunteer sign-up’ tab. Volunteering is fun and you get to meet some great people.
All dates are posted on Queensie TeamApp with more details.
Pool Proficiency – All nippers are required to be signed off as proficient in the pool before they can participate. Nippers does not teach children to swim and there is an certain level of competency required to begin each age group.
U8 – U14s need to attend a pool session to be signed off before the start of the season.
DATES for U8-U13
NIPPER Proficiency Date 1 – Sunday 29th September 10-11.30am
Warringah Aquatic Centre – 1 Aquatic Drive Allambie heights.
The costs will be $7.80 per Nipper and free for accompanying adults who will not be swimming or hanging around (otherwise the adults will be $9.80 if you want to swim). This will be an opportunity for those who feel the cold, to do their proficiency indoors at the Warringah Aquatic Centre.
No cost. Queenscliff Ocean Pool – the pool will be cold so please bring a wetsuit for your Nipper if they prefer.
U6 – U7 will complete their proficiency during Nippers.
You only need to attend one proficiency session.
Sunday sessions will commence 20th October and finish Mid March – wetsuits are recommended for the first few weeks.
Training continues through the surf lifesaving season and over winter for Nippers who are keen to keep wet.
All important dates and notifications about nippers are on the Queensie Nippers Stack Team App site. Please download this onto your phone. If you don’t have Stack Team App you will miss out on important notices!
Step 1: Download Stack Team App from your favourite app store – it’s free!
Step 2: Sign-up within the app
Step 3: Log into the app, search for Queensie Nippers and request to become a member.
Step 4: Check out the groups and request any memberships.
Step 5: Wait patiently while the admins approve.
Step 6: Enable notifications…. we’ll try to keep TeamApp updates to just the super important stuff!
Nippers is all about getting our kids Surf Confident, Surf Competent and SURF SAFE. Our program involves a range of activities aimed at increasing fitness, skills and knowledge. These include:
- Beach – sprinting, flags and relays.
- Board – skills on handling the board in the surf.
- Swimming – up to 300m surf swim depending on age group. We also teach the older nippers how to use a rip to get out behind the breakers quickly. PLEASE NOTE Nippers is not swimming lessons. We expect our Nippers to be undertaking swimming lessons outside of Sunday sessions.
- Lifesaving – a huge part of nippers is training to be a surf life saver. At Queensie we believe that everyone can learn to save a life no matter what age. Nippers learn the basics of resuscitation and first aid from day one.
- Surf safety – from understanding rips and currents, to reading the waves and knowing what to do if you get stung by a blue bottle – Queensie nippers get taught how to stay safe while having fun on the beach.
Marshalling for the nippers Sunday sessions starts 15 minutes prior to your Age Group session on the beach outside the club. Nippers are expected to be signed in and ready to go at the start time, so please arrive early. Parking is at a premium, so allow time!
For older nippers (and parents) there is a club swim that happens from 10:30am. You can see if you can beat our masters swimmers round the can and back to the beach!
Parents must stay on the beach while nippers is running. Parents are also asked to assist with running events… expect to get wet!
These events are unique to surf lifesaving and are an opportunity for nippers of all abilities to compete at events and win points for Queensie.
March Past involves marching as a team around an arena. It’s very technical, but the best thing is wearing your team colours and representing your club!
Rescue and Resuscitation or R&R involves a simulated rescue and resuscitation. Teams of 2 and up compete depending on age group. It’s another technical activity, but loads of fun. Queensie R&R teams are lucky to have the legend Col White as our head trainer!
All nippers are required to wear a high vis pink rashie. This is an essential piece of safety equipment and makes sure they are visible at all times on the beach and in the water.
We also need all nippers to wear a Queensie skull cap. A compulsory item which must be worn during the Sunday session and at carnivals. Please remember to put your nipper’s name on the cap in marker pen!
Queensie swimsuits are also available although not compulsory for Sunday Nippers.
Queenscliff competitors are to be in FULL Queenscliff uniform whilst representing our club. Please email nippers@queenscliffslsc.org.au if you require further information or help on this one.
The uniform shop is open on Sunday mornings throughout the season and on registration days. They take cards only.

Queensie Coaching Team
All Queensie Nippers have access to our amazing coaching team. Our coaches run sessions on a Sunday as well as during the week. The details of these will be posted on StackTeamApp – follow Queensie Nippers.
WATER COACH Harrison Stone – We are very pleased to have Harrison heading up our Nipper/Youth Water Team at Queensie. An Elite International Athlete and an Australian Silver Medallist in Surf Life Saving, our Nippers are extremely lucky to benefit from Harry’s competitive experience. Being a physio, Harrison brings a unique coaching skill set with a focus on technique for our younger athletes. He provides a wholistic approach to training and is engaged in watching the kids grow, develop and most of all having fun along the way! He is assisted by a crew with a wealth of expertise including Masters competitors Nathan Krieger, Kevin Harris, Ian Poole and Peter Nankervis. Intermediate and beginner paddlers are often ably assisted by the legendary Col White and John O’Toole as well as our expert and experienced water safety crew.
Sean Keating recently moved to Queenscliff SLSC after 25+ years at Palm Beach SLSC achieving Branch, State & Aussies Gold Titles for the 2km Beach Run Race. Sean’s coaching philosophy centers around the joy of distance beach running, creating an environment where nippers can explore the joys of running while developing fundamental skills. By incorporating playful activities and positive reinforcement, Sean aims to give all young athletes a sense of accomplishment and excitement for beach running.
In addition we have our Queensie masters competitors who volunteer their Sunday mornings to help coach the nippers in beach sprinting, flags, ocean swimming and boards. Our masters are legendary!
If you are a returning member you can renew all memberships online through the Surf Lifesaving Portal.
Head to our members page for more info. https://www.queensie.com/join/
Of course! Queensie has families from all over Sydney, everyone is welcome.
Children need to be 5 years old by the opening of the nipper season – Second Sunday in October.
All competitors regardless of whether they are in the water or on the beach need to complete their Competition Water Proficiency. We will run everyone through their ocean swim proficiency early in the season to make sure they are eligible.
Nippers must attend Sunday Nippers regularly and participate in training sessions each week.
The club will pay for all nippers to attend carnivals until U12s. Competitors must then pay a competition fee at the beginning of the season.
It is really important that if you have registered you turn up (otherwise you will be required to reimburse the club for your entry fee). The number of nippers competing dictates how many officials, water safety, IRB and first aiders Queensie is required to provide.
These dates and locations are set by Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches and will be available at the beginning of the season, and listed in the Nippers Calendar.
Generally carnivals take place at Manly, Freshwater, Queenscliff, Newport, Narrabeen and Dee Why.

Important contacts
Queensie nippers is run by a dedicated Nipper committee. Our committee members are always looking out for people to help! Please contact the relevant person if you would like to discuss.
Anthony Rose is the current Junior Activities Director. If you would like to discuss anything, or have any issues, drop him an email.
Junior Activities Director Anthony Rose jad@queenscliffslsc.org.au
Nipper Administrator Shona Rose nippers@queenscliffslsc.org.au
Sunday Co-ordinator Matt Aberline
Gear Steward Honnie Bustos
Water Safety Coordinator Paul Sholl paul@austinsfs.com.au